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Arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid, could be a key driver of bipolar disorder, according to a new study.

In a new study, researchers said psilocybin, an ingredient found in so-called magic mushrooms, was more effective in treating depression than niacin or microdosing with psychedelic drugs

A new study in mice looks at how activating healthy brown fat could help promote weight loss and protect against obesity.

A recent study suggests that just one large dose of creatine supplements may improve cognitive performance in people who are acutely sleep-deprived.

Researchers say women in their 40s and 50s who exercise regularly or even begin a new fitness routine have better overall health than women who don't work out on a regular basis

Researchers have found that adding a pre-ketone supplement to immunotherapy boosted its effectiveness against prostate cancer in mouse models.

Researchers are reporting that menopause hormone replacement therapy may not actually reduce the risk of heart disease. They add that calcium and vitamin D supplements as well as low-fat diets may also not be effective as preventive measures for other diseases.

A new study has found that people who adhere to a healthy pro-vegetarian diet have a lower risk of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular-related death.

Recent research has used mathematical models to find out when people are likely to experience a weight loss plateau on GLP-1 agonist drugs vs. bariatric surgery vs. dietary interventions.

A new meta-analysis shows aerobic exercise substantially reduces the risk of death from all causes, especially heart disease.