HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. The virus can transmit from person to person through contact with infected bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, or vaginal fluids. If left untreated, HIV can progress to AIDS.
HIV is a lifelong condition, but treatments and strategies can prevent the virus from transmitting and the infection from progressing into AIDS.
This article discusses the different types of laws relating to HIV in the U.S. and outlines the many state-specific laws surrounding the virus.
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When the HIV epidemic began in the United States in the 80s, many states put in place laws designed to discourage behaviors that may expose another person to HIV. These laws could remove a person’s right to privacy about their medical condition and even criminalize someone with HIV for engaging in behaviors that could put another person at risk for contracting the virus.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many of the laws came into effect when the medical community knew
Some laws have also not changed accordingly since antiretroviral therapy (ART) became more prevalent. If ART can suppress the viral load sufficiently, a person has effectively
While some states have adapted to new understanding and changed their laws based on new information, the CDC confirms that some states still have
Beyond the laws themselves, areas with these laws may have other difficulties. The fear of these laws may encourage a stigma around HIV or discourage people from testing for HIV, which could have risks of its own.
In general, a person has the right to keep medical information about themselves, such as their HIV status, personal, private, and confidential.
Federal acts such as the
Other state-specific laws may offer similar protections for HIV specifically.
However, there are limitations to this privacy. For example, HIPAA only protects health information shared between healthcare professionals and patients. Any other source or information would not fall under this protection.
Additionally, states may have other laws surrounding criminalization, testing, and privacy the person may also have to adhere to.
Criminalizing HIV exposure
As of 2021,
There are four different categories of laws for HIV exposure that a state may have:
- Laws that aim to control behaviors around or criminalize exposing a person to HIV specifically.
- Laws that aim to control behaviors around or criminalize exposing a person to STDs or infectious disease, which may include HIV.
- Laws that enhance certain punishments for a person with STDs or HIV specifically.
- A lack of specific laws for criminalization.
Each state may have laws that fall into more than one category. Additionally, some general statutes such as reckless endangerment may be used to apply to HIV exposure and criminalize the behavior that way.
State laws may go beyond federal or medical confidentiality laws in cases of HIV. A person may not be entitled to medical confidentiality in these states or be legally bound to disclose their HIV status.
According to the
- California
- Colorado
- Illinois
- Iowa
- Michigan
- Missouri
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- Virginia
Updates to these laws may remove the criminalization of HIV except in specific circumstances, such as intending to transmit HIV to another person.
Anonymous testing
Some states have laws that cover a person’s right to anonymous testing for HIV in particular. Under these laws, a person may get testing for HIV without attaching the test results directly to their name or other personally-identifying information.
This may only apply at specific locations, and not every testing location will offer anonymous testing.
Confidential testing
Confidential testing is different from anonymous testing, and confidential testing is not truly anonymous. Confidential testing attaches a person’s name and other identifying information to their test results. The results will go in a person’s medical file, and both doctors and healthcare insurance companies may see the information.
A confidential test released to the state or local health department will have a person’s name attached to it. The state department then removes the identifying information and sends the results to the CDC for national estimates.
Informed consent laws
States also have laws about informed consent. Informed consent is the process of getting permission from a patient before a medical procedure, involving the person in research, or disclosing any of the patient’s information. This can also apply to their HIV status or testing.
Partner notification
Some states have laws requiring those who are HIV positive to inform their HIV status to sexual partners or those they would share needles with. Knowingly withholding their status from a partner may cause them to face legal action.
Some states also have “duty to warn” laws, laws that require healthcare staff to notify a third party, such as a sexual partner, if they know a person is HIV positive.
Employment laws
An employer will not need to know about a person’s HIV status in most cases. However, employers do have the right to ask certain questions, such as if a person has any conditions that would affect their ability to do the job.
In some cases, these questions may apply to HIV, such as people working in healthcare where there is a risk of exchanging blood or bodily fluids. An employer may be within their right to ask about HIV status in these cases, and being untruthful about HIV status may cause the person to lose their job or even face legal ramifications.
Apart from these specific instances, the Americans with Disabilities Act does cover all people with HIV, meaning an employer cannot discriminate against someone based on their HIV status so long as it does not interfere with how a person performs in their job.
Laws for minors
There are some uniform laws surrounding sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and confidentiality, but these may not apply to HIV. For example, all 50 states have laws protecting a minor’s right to receive STD testing without parental consent. However, some states may not extend this right to HIV. Additionally, healthcare professionals may still inform a minor’s parents about the minor’s HIV status.
The laws surrounding HIV can vary widely from state to state. While federal laws may protect a person’s privacy to a degree, state laws may not offer these same protections.
The following tables are adapted from the
Anyone wanting to understand the specific laws in their state or county should contact a state health department to discuss specific state laws.
HIV/STD criminalization | Ala.Code 1975 § 22-11A-21 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Code 1975 §22-11A-52 Code 1975 §26-1-1 Code 1975 §22-8-5 Code 1975 §22-11A-19 Code 1975 §22-8-3 Code 1975 §22-8-6 Code 1975 §22-8-4 Code 1975 §22-8-7 Code 1975 §22-11A-19 Ala. Admin. Code r. 560-X-11-.11 |
Perinatal HIV testing | Ala. Admin. Code Ch 420-4-1-.11 |
HIV testing in the general population | ALA. CODE § 22-11A-51 ALA. CODE § 22-11A-52 ALA. CODE § 22-11A-53 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Ala. Admin. Code r. 420-4-1-.04 |
HIV/STD criminalization | ALASKA STAT. §12.55.155(C)(33) |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | AS §25.20.010 AS §25.20.025 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | ALASKA STAT. § 18.15.375 ALASKA STAT. § 18.15.380 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Alaska Admin. Code tit. 7, § 27.007 |
Other confidentiality laws | Alaska Admin.Code tit. 7 § 27.893 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | R.S. §1-215 R.S. §44-132.01 R.S. §36-661 R.S. §36-663 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | ARIZ. REV. STAT. ANN. § 36-663 A.A.C. R9-6-1001 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Ariz. Admin Code foll R-9-6-204, Tbl. 2.3 |
Other confidentiality laws | R.S. §36-664 |
HIV/STD criminalization | ARK CODE ANN. §5-14-123 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | AR ADC 007.15.2-XXI A.C.A. § 20-9-602 A.C.A. § 20-16-508 A.C.A. § 9-25-101 |
Perinatal HIV testing | A.C.A. §20-16-507(a)(1)(A) |
HIV testing in the general population | ARK. CODE ANN. § 20-15-905 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Ark. Admin. Code 007.15.2-V |
Other confidentiality laws | ARK. CODE ANN. § 20-15-904 |
HIV/STD criminalization | West’s Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code §120290 West’s Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code §1644.5 West’s Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code §1603.3 CAL PENAL CODE §12022.85 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Fam.Code §6922 Fam.Code §6926 Fam.Code §6925 Health & Safety Code §121020 Fam.Code §6500 West’s Ann.Cal.Fam.Code § 6920 |
Perinatal HIV testing | West’s Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code §125085 West’s Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code §125090 West’s Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code § 125107 |
HIV testing in the general population | CAL. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE § 120990 Cal. Health & Safety Code § 120895 |
Laboratory reporting laws | West’s Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121023 17 CCR § 2643.5 |
Other confidentiality laws | Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121025 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | C.R.S.A. §13-22-101 C.R.S.A. §13-22-105 C.R.S.A. §25-4-409 C.R.S.A. § 25-4-402 C.R.S.A. § 13-22-103 |
Perinatal HIV testing | C.R.S.A. §25-4-201 C.R.S.A. §25-4-203 |
HIV testing in the general population | COLO. REV. STAT. § 25-4-1405 COLO. REV. STAT. § 25-4-410 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 6 CCR 1009-1 Appendix A |
Other confidentiality laws | 6 CCR 1009-4-IV |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | C.G.S.A. §19a-582 C.G.S.A. §19a-216 C.G.S.A. §19a-592 C.G.S.A. §1-1d |
Perinatal HIV testing | C.G.S.A. §19a-90 C.G.S.A. §19a-55 C.G.S.A. §19a-593 C.G.S.A. §19a-582 Regs. Conn. State Agencies §19a-55-2 |
HIV testing in the general population | C.G.S.A. §19a-582 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Regs. Conn. State Agencies § 19a-36-A2 |
Other confidentiality laws | C.G.S.A. §19a-583 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | 1 Del.C. §701 13 Del.C. §707 13 Del.C. §710 16 Del.C. §710 16 Del.C. §715 |
Perinatal HIV testing | 16 Del. C. §716 24 Del. Admin. Code 1795-6.0 |
HIV testing in the general population | DEL. CODE ANN. TIT. 16, § 715 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 16 Del. Admin. Code 4202-7.0 |
Other confidentiality laws | 16 Del.C. §717 |
District of Columbia
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | DC ST §46-101 22-B DCMR §600 22-B DCMR §603 22-B DCMR §602.6 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | DC ST § 31-2803 |
Laboratory reporting law | 22-B DCMR § 211 |
Other confidentiality laws | DC Code § 7–1605 |
HIV/STD criminalization | FLA. STAT. ANN. §384.24 FLA. STAT. ANN. §381.0041(11)(b) FLA. STAT. ANN. §384.34(5) FLA. STAT. ANN. §796.08(5) FLA. STAT. ANN. §775.0877 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | F.S.A. §381.0051 F.S.A. §743.07 F.S.A. §384.23 F.S.A. §384.30 64D-2.004, F.A.C. |
Perinatal HIV testing | West’s F.S.A. §384.31 Fla. Admin. Code r. 64D-2.004 Fla. Admin. Code r. 64D-3.042 |
HIV testing in the general population | FLA. STAT. ANN. § 381.004 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Fla. Admin. Code r. 64DER20-26 |
HIV/STD criminalization | O.C.G.A. §16-5-60 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Ga. Code Ann., §31-9-2 Ga. Code Ann., §31-17-7 Ga. Code Ann., §39-1-1 Ga. Code Ann., §31-17-7 Ga. Code Ann., §31-9-5 Ga. Code Ann., §49-7-3 |
Perinatal HIV testing | Ga. Code Ann., §31-17-4.2 Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 511-2-5-.04 |
HIV testing in the general population | CODE ANN. § 31-17A-2 GA. CODE ANN. § 31-22-9.2 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Ga. Code Ann. § 31-22-7 Ga Code Ann. § 31-12-2 Ga Comp. R. & Regs. 511-2-5-.06 |
Other confidentiality laws | GA Code § 24-12-21 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | HRS §577A-2 HRS §577A-1 HRS §577-1 HRS §577A-3 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | HAW. REV. STAT. ANN. § 325-16 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Haw. Admin. Rules (HAR) § 11-156-Exhibit B |
Other confidentiality laws | HRS §325-101 |
HIV/STD criminalization | IDAHO CODE ANN. §39-601 IDAHO CODE ANN. §39-608 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | I.C. §39-3801 I.C. §32-101 I.C. §18-603 I.C. §39-4503 IDAPA |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | IDAPA IDAPA |
Other confidentiality laws | I.C. §39-610 I.C. §39-606 |
HIV/STD criminalization | 720 ILCS 5/12-5.01 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | 755 ILCS 5/11-1 410 ILCS 210/4 325 ILCS 10/1 77 Ill. Adm. Code 693.130 77 Ill. Adm. Code 697.420 410 ILCS 210/5 410 ILCS 305/9 325 ILCS 45/2 |
Perinatal HIV testing | 410 ILCS 335/10 77 Ill. Adm. Code 699.200 77 Ill. Adm. Code 699.100 77 Ill. Adm. Code 699.300 77 Ill. Adm. Code 699.410 |
HIV testing in the general population | 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. § 305/2 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. § 305/3 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. § 305/4 ILL. ADMIN. CODE TIT. 697, PT. 120 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. § 305/3 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. § 305/5 410 ILL. COMP. STAT. § 305/9.5 ILL. ADMIN. CODE TIT. 697, PT. 110 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 410 ILCS 310/4 77 Ill. Adm. Code 693.20 77 Ill Adm Code 693.30 |
Other confidentiality laws | 410 ILCS 305 |
HIV/STD criminalization | INDIANA CODE §16-41-7-1 INDIANA CODE §16-41-14-17 INDIANA CODE §35-45-16-2 INDIANA Code IC 35-42-2-1 INDIANA Code 35-45-21-1 INDIANA Code 35-45-21-3 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | IC 16-36-1-3 IC 1-1-4-5 |
Perinatal HIV testing | IC §16-41-6-4 IC §16-41-6-5 IC §16-41-6-6 IC §16-41-6-7 IC §16-41-6-8 410 IAC 1-6-5 410 IAC 1-6-6 410 IAC 1-6-7 410 IAC 1-6-7.1 410 IAC 1-7-12 410 IAC 1-6-4 |
HIV testing in the general population | IND. CODE ANN. § 16-41-6-1 IND. CODE ANN. § 16-41-6-12 |
Laboratory reporting laws | IC 16-41-2-3 410 IAC 1-2.5-76 |
HIV/STD criminalization | I.C.A. §709D.3 I.C.A. §709D.2 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | I.C.A. §139A.35 I.C.A. §141A.7 Iowa Admin. Code 641-11.3(139A,141A) I.C.A. §599.1 |
Perinatal HIV testing | I.C.A. §141A.4 Iowa Admin. Code 641-11.4(141A) |
HIV testing in the general population | IOWA CODE ANN. § 141A.6 IOWA CODE ANN. § 141A.7 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Iowa Admin. Code 641-11.6(141A) |
Other confidentiality laws | I.C.A. §141A.9 |
HIV/STD criminalization | K.S.A. 21-5424 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | K.S.A. 65-2892 K.S.A. 38-123b K.S.A. 38-101 |
Perinatal HIV testing | K.S.A. §65-6018 K.A.R. 28-1-27 |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | K.S.A. 65-6002 |
Other confidentiality laws | K.S.A. 65-6003 K.S.A. 65-6004 K.S.A. 65-6010 |
HIV/STD criminalization | KRS §311.990(27)(b) KRS §529.090(3) & (4) |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | KRS §2.015 KRS §214.185 KRS §214.625 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | KY. REV. STAT. ANN. § 214.181 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 902 Ky. Admin. Regs. 2:020 902 Ky. Admin Regs. 2:020E |
HIV/STD criminalization | LSA-R.S. 14:43.5 LSA-R.S. 40:1121.2 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | LSA-R.S. 40:1121.8 LSA-R.S. 40:1079.1 LSA-C.C. Art. 29 La. Admin Code. tit. 48, Pt V, § 8703 La. Admin Code. tit. 48, Pt I, § 13503 |
Perinatal HIV testing | LSA-R.S. 40:1121.21 La. Admin Code. Tit. 46, Pt. XLV, §5329 |
HIV testing in the general population | LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 40:1300.13 LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 40:1171.3 |
Laboratory reporting laws | La.Admin. Code tit. 51, Pt II, § 107 La. Admin. Code tit. 51, Pt II, § 105 |
Other confidentiality laws | LA. REV. STAT. ANN. § 40:1300.14 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | 32 M.R.S.A. §2595 22 M.R.S.A. §1908 32 M.R.S.A. §3292 1 M.R.S.A. §73 22 M.R.S.A. §1823 |
Perinatal HIV testing | 5 M.R.S.A. §19203-A |
HIV testing in the general population | REV. STAT. ANN. TIT. 5 § 19203-A REV. STAT. ANN. TIT. 5 § 19204-A |
Laboratory reporting laws | 10-144 CMR Ch. 258. § 2 |
Other confidentiality laws | 5 M.R.S.A. §19203 5 M.R.S.A. §19203-D |
HIV/STD criminalization | MD CODE, HEALTH-GENERAL §18-601.1 MD CODE, HEALTH-GENERAL §18-602 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | MD Code, Health – General, §20-102 MD Code, General Provisions, §1-401 |
Perinatal HIV testing | Md. Code, Health-General, §18-338.2 COMAR COMAR COMAR CODE REGS. CODE REGS. MD. CODE REGS. 10.18.08 |
HIV testing in the general population | CODE ANN., HEALTH-GEN. § 18-336 MD. CODE REGS. MD. CODE REGS. MD. CODE REGS. |
Laboratory reporting laws | COMAR |
HIV/STD criminalization | M.G.L.A. 265 §22B(f) |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | M.G.L.A. 231 §85P M.G.L.A. 111 §24E M.G.L.A. 111 §117 M.G.L.A. 112 §12F |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | MASS. GEN. LAWS ANN. CH. 111 § 70F 105 MASS. CODE REGS. § 300.200 130 MASS. CODE REGS. § 405.402 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 105 CMR 300.180 105 CMR 300.170 |
HIV/STD criminalization | M.C.L.A. 333.5210 M.C.L.A. 333.11101 M.C.L.A. 777.13k |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | M.C.L.A. 333.5127 M.C.L.A. 722.52 |
Perinatal HIV testing | M.C.L.A. §333.5123 |
HIV testing in the general population | MICH. COMP. LAWS ANN. § 333.5133 |
Laboratory reporting laws | MCLA 333.5114 |
Other confidentiality laws | MCLA 333.5131 |
HIV/STD criminalization | M.S.A. §609.2241 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | M.S.A. §144.343 M.S.A. §645.452 M.S.A. §645.45 M.S.A. §645.451 M.S.A. §144.346 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | MINN. R. 4605.7800 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Minnesota Rules, part 4605.7030 |
HIV/STD criminalization | MISS. CODE ANN. §97-27-14 Miss. Code Ann. § 41-23-27 Miss. Code Ann. § 41-23-29 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Miss. Code Ann. §41-41-13 Miss. Code Ann. §41-42-7 Miss. Code Ann. §1-3-27 Miss. Code Ann. §41-41-203 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | MISS. CODE ANN. § 41-41-16 15-2-11 MISS. CODE R. 1.14.1 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 15 Miss. Admin. Code Pt 2, Subpt 11, App. A 15 Miss. Admin. Code Pt 2, Subpt 11, R. 1.14 |
Other confidentiality laws | MISS. CODE ANN. § 41-23-1 (9) |
HIV/STD criminalization | V.A.M.S. 191.677 V.A.M.S. 575.155 Mo. Ann. Stat. §567.020 MO Rev Stat § 575.157 (2019) |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | V.A.M.S. 431.055 V.A.M.S. 431.061 V.A.M.S. 431.062 V.A.M.S. 191.656 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | CODE REGS. ANN. TIT. 19, § 20-26.040 Mo. Ann. Stat. § 191.653 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 19 Mo. Code of State Regulations 20-20.020 |
Other confidentiality laws | V.A.M.S. 191.656 V.A.M.S. 191.657 |
HIV/STD criminalization | MCA 50-18-112 MCA 50-18-113 MCA 46-18-212 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | MCA 41-1-101 MCA 41-1-402 MCA 41-1-405 MT CONST Art. 2, §14 MCA 41-1-403 |
Perinatal HIV testing | MCA 50-16-1015 MCA 50-16-1016 |
HIV testing in the general population | MONT. CODE ANN. § 50-16-1014 MONT. ADMIN. R. 37.114.503 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Mont. Admin. R. 37.114.204 Mont. Admin. R. 37.114.203 |
Other confidentiality laws | MT Code § 50-16-1004 |
HIV/STD criminalization | Neb. Rev.St. §28-934 Neb. Rev.St. §28-105 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Neb. Rev.St. §71-504 Neb. Rev.St. §43-2101 |
Perinatal HIV testing | Neb.Rev.St. § 71-502.03 |
HIV testing in the general population | NEB. REV. STAT. § 71-531 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Neb. Admin. R. & Regs. Tit. 173, Ch. 1, § 1-005 |
HIV/STD criminalization | N.R.S. 201.205 N.R.S. 201.358 N.R.S. 441A.300 N.R.S. 441A.180 SB 275 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | N.R.S. 129.030 N.R.S. 441A.310 N.R.S. 129.060 N.R.S. 129.010 |
Perinatal HIV testing | N.R.S. 442.640 N.R.S. 442.650 N.R.S. 442.660 |
HIV testing in the general population | NEV. REV. STAT. § 441A.336 |
Laboratory reporting laws | NAC 441A.235 |
New Hampshire
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | N.H. Rev. Stat. §141-C:18 N.H. Rev. Stat. §21:44 N.H. Rev. Stat. § 21-B:1 |
Perinatal HIV testing | N.H. Code Admin. R. Mid 502.03 |
HIV testing in the general population | N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. § 141-F:5 N.H. REV. STAT. ANN. § 141-F:7 |
Laboratory reporting laws | N.H. Code Admin. R. He-P 301.02 |
Other confidentiality laws | NH Rev Stat § 141-F:8 NH Rev Stat § 141-F:11 |
New Jersey
HIV/STD criminalization | N.J.S.A. 2C:34-5 N.J.S.A. 2C:14-1 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | N.J.S.A. 9:17B-3 N.J.S.A. 9:17A-4 N.J.S.A. 9:17A-5 N.J.S.A. 9:17B-1 |
Perinatal HIV testing | N.J.S.A. 26 §5C-16 N.J.S.A. 26 §2-111.2 N.J.A.C. 8:61–4.6 N.J.A.C. 8:61–4.4 N.J.A.C. 8:61–4.5 N.J.A.C. 8:61–4.8 N.J.A.C. 8:61–4.2 |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | N.J.A.C. 8:57-2.5 N.J.A.C. 8:57-2.8 |
Other confidentiality laws | NJ Rev Stat § 26:5C-7 |
New Mexico
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | N. M. S. A. 1978, §28-6-1 N. M. S. A. 1978, §24-1-9 N. M. S. A. 1978, §24-8-5 N. M. S. A. 1978, §24-1-9.4 N. M. S. A. 1978, §24-2B-3 |
Perinatal HIV testing | N.M. Stat. 1978, §24-2B-2 |
HIV testing in the general population | N.M. STAT. ANN. § 24-2B-2 N.M. STAT. ANN. § 24-2B-4 |
Laboratory reporting laws | N.M. Admin. Code |
New York
HIV/STD criminalization | McKinney’s Public Health Law §2307 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | McKinney’s General Obligations Law §1-202 McKinney’s Public Health Law §2305 McKinney’s Public Health Law § 2780 10 NYCRR 23.4 |
Perinatal HIV testing | McKinney’s Public Health Law §2500-f 10 NYCRR 69-1.3 10 NYCRR 69-1.4 10 NYCRR 69-1.5 |
HIV testing in the general population | N.Y. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW § 2781 N.Y. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW § 2781-a N.Y. COMP. CODES R. & REGS. tit. 10, § 63.3 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 10 NYCRR 63.4 |
Other confidentiality laws | Public Health Law, Article 27-F10 NYCRR 63.6 |
North Carolina
HIV/STD criminalization | 10A NCAC 41A.0202 10A NCAC 41A.0204 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | N.C.G.S.A. §130A-148 N.C.G.S.A. §90-21.5 N.C.G.S.A. §48A-2 10A NCAC 43A.0503 N.C.G.S.A. §90-21.4 |
Perinatal HIV testing | 10A NCAC 41A.0202 |
HIV testing in the general population | N.C. GEN. STAT. ANN. § 130A-148 10A N.C. ADMIN. CODE 41A.0202(16) |
Laboratory reporting laws | 10A NCAC 41A.0101 |
Other confidentiality laws | N.C. Gen. Stat. § 130A-143 |
North Dakota
HIV/STD criminalization | NDCC, 12.1-20-17 NDCC, 23-07-21 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | NDCC, 14-10-01 NDCC, 14-10-17 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | N.D. CENT. CODE § 23-07.5-04 N.D. CENT. CODE § 23-07.5-01 NDCC, 23-07.5-02 |
Laboratory reporting laws | NDAC 33-06-01-01 |
Other confidentiality laws | NDCC 45-03-11 |
HIV/STD criminalization | R.C. §2903.11 R.C. §2907.24 R.C. §2907.25 R.C. §2907.241 R.C. §2921.38 R.C. §2927.13 R.C. §3701.81 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | R.C. §3701.242 R.C. §3109.01 R.C. §3709.241 OAC 3701-3-11 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | OHIO REV. CODE ANN. § 3701.242 OHIO ADMIN. CODE 3701-3-11 |
Laboratory reporting laws | OAC 3701-3-12 |
Other confidentiality laws | OAC 3701.243 |
HIV/STD criminalization | 21 Okl. St. Ann. §1031 21 Okl. St. Ann. §1192.1 21 Okl. St. Ann. §1192 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | 63 Okl. St. Ann. §2601 63 Okl. St. Ann. §2602 63 Okl. St. Ann. §1-532.1 15 Okl. St. Ann. §13 |
Perinatal HIV testing | 63 Okl. St. Ann. §1-515.1 |
HIV testing in the general population | Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 63, § 1-502.3 OKLA. STA. ANN. tit. 63, § 1-528 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Okla. Admin. Code 310:515-1-4 |
HIV/STD criminalization | OR. REV. STAT. § 433.010 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | O.R.S. §109.510 O.R.S. §109.610 — formerly cited as OR ST §109.105 O.R.S. §109.640 O.R.S. §109.650 |
Perinatal HIV testing | O.R.S. §433.017 OAR 333-019-0036 |
HIV testing in the general population | OR. REV. STAT. ANN. § 433.045 Or. Admin. R. 333-022-0205 |
Laboratory reporting laws | OAR 333-018-0015 |
Other confidentiality laws | ORS 433.045 (4) |
HIV/STD criminalization | 18 PA.C.S.A §2703 18 PA.C.S.A. §2704 18 PA.C.S.A. §5902 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | 1 Pa.C.S.A. §1991 23 Pa.C.S.A. §5101 35 P.S. §521.14a 35 P.S. §10103 35 P.S. §10101 28 Pa. Code §27.97 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | 35 PA. CONS. STAT. ANN. § 7605 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 28 Pa. Code § 27.22 28 Pa. Code § 27.32a |
Other confidentiality laws | 35 P.S. § 7607 |
Rhode Island
HIV/STD criminalization | Gen. Laws 1956, §23-11-1 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Gen. Laws 1956, §23-11-11 Gen. Laws 1956, §15-12-1 R.I. Admin. Code 31-1-36:5.0 Gen. Laws 1956, §23-8-1.1 Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-6.3-5 Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-4.6-1 Gen.Laws 1956, § 23-6.3-4 |
Perinatal HIV testing | Gen. Laws 1956, §23-6.3-3 Gen. Laws 1956, §23-13-19 |
HIV testing in the general population | R.I. R.23-6-HIV 2.2 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 216-RICR-30-05-1.5 |
Other confidentiality laws | RI Gen L § 23-6.3-4 (b) RI Gen L § 23-6.3-8 |
South Carolina
HIV/STD criminalization | CODE 1976 §44-29-145 CODE 1976 §24-13-470 CODE 1976 §44-29-60 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Code 1976 §63-5-340 Code 1976 §63-5-350 Code 1976 §15-1-320 SC Code 1976 §44-29-135 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | S.C. Code of Regulations R. 61-20 |
Other confidentiality laws | S.C. CODE ANN. § 44-29-135 SC Code § 44-29-136 S.C. CODE ANN. REGS. § 61-21 |
South Dakota
HIV/STD criminalization | SDCL §22-18-31 SDCL §22-18-33 SDCL §22-18-34 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | SDCL §34-23-17 SDCL §34-23-16 SDCL § 26-1-1 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | ARSD 44:20:01:04 |
Other confidentiality laws | SDCL 34 -22-12.1 SDCL 34 -22-12.2 |
HIV/STD criminalization | C. A. §39-13-109 T. C. A. §39-13-516 T. C. A. §68-32-104 T.C.A. § 68-10-107 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | T. C. A. §1-3-105 T. C. A. §68-34-107 T. C. A. §68-34-104 T. C. A. §68-10-104 |
Perinatal HIV testing | T. C. A. §68-5-702 T. C. A. §68-5-703 |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 1200-14-01.02 |
Other confidentiality laws | T. C. A.§ 68-10-113 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | V.T.C.A., Civil Practice & Remedies Code §129.001 V.T.C.A., Family Code §32.003 |
Perinatal HIV testing | V.T.C.A., Health & Safety Code §81.090 |
HIV testing in the general population | TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN. § 81.105 TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN. § 81.106 TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN. § 81.109 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 25 TAC § 97.133 |
Other confidentiality laws | TEX. HEALTH & SAFETY CODE ANN. § 81.103 |
HIV/STD criminalization | U.C.A. 1953 §76-5-102.6 U.C.A. 1953 §76-10-1309 U.C.A. 1953 § 76-3-203.12 U.C.A. 1953 § 76-5-102.9 U.C.A. 1953 §26-6-5 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | U.C.A. 1953 §26-6-18 U.C.A. 1953 §15-2-1 U.C.A. 1953 §76-7-322 U.A.C. R512-32 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | U.A.C. R386-702-3 |
Other confidentiality laws | Utah Code Section 26-6-3.5 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | 1 V.S.A. §173 18 V.S.A. §4226 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | Vt. Admin. Code 12-5-12:6.0 |
Other confidentiality laws | VT. STAT. ANN. TIT. 18, § 1099 |
HIV/STD criminalization | VA CODE ANN. §18.2-67.4:1(A) & (B) VA CODE ANN. §32.1-289.2 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | VA Code Ann. §1-204 VA Code Ann. §54.1-2969 VA Code Ann. § 1-207 |
Perinatal HIV testing | VA Code Ann. §54.1-2403.01 12 VAC 5-90-130 |
HIV testing in the general population | VA. CODE ANN. § 32.1-37.2 |
Laboratory reporting laws | 12 VAC 5-90-80 12 VAC 5-90-90 |
HIV/STD criminalization | West’s RCWA 9A.36.011 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | West’s RCWA 9.02.100 West’s RCWA 26.28.010 West’s RCWA 70.24.110 |
Perinatal HIV testing | WAC 246-329-120 |
HIV testing in the general population | WASH. ADMIN. CODE 246-100-207 WASH. ADMIN. CODE 246-100-209 |
Laboratory reporting laws | WAC 246-101-201 |
Other confidentiality laws | RCW 70.24.450 WAC 246-101-520 WAC 246-101-635 |
West Virginia
HIV/STD criminalization | W. Va. Code, §16-4-20 W. Va. Code, §16-4-26 |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | Va. Code, §2-3-1 W. Va. Code, §16-4-10 W. Va. Code St. R. § 64-64-10 |
Perinatal HIV testing | W. Va. Code, §16-3C-2 W. Va. Code St. R. §64-64-4 |
HIV testing in the general population | W. VA. CODE ANN. §16-3C-2 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Va. Code R. § 64-7-3 W. Va. Code St. R. § 64-64-13 |
Other confidentiality laws | WV Code § 16-3C-3 |
HIV/STD criminalization | W.S.A. 973.017 WIS. STAT. § 252.19 WIS.ADMIN.CODE DHS§ 145.06(2) |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | W.S.A. 990.01 W.S.A. 252.11 W.S.A. 252.15 Wis. Adm. Code §DHS 145.21 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | WIS. STAT. ANN. § 252.15 |
Laboratory reporting laws | Wis. Admin. Code Ch. DHS 145, Appendix A |
Other confidentiality laws | WI Stat § 252.15 |
HIV/STD criminalization | |
Minors’ autonomous consent to HIV and/or STD services | W.S.1977 §14-1-101 W.S.1977 §35-4-131 W.S.1977 §42-5-101 |
Perinatal HIV testing | |
HIV testing in the general population | |
Laboratory reporting laws | WY Rules and Regulations 048.0051.2 § 1 |
Other confidentiality laws | WY Stat § 7-1-109 (f) |
Topics such as HIV status, confidentiality and safety, and what a person must disclose about their HIV status specifically can vary.
The federal laws offer protections for medical information and discrimination, but laws surrounding HIV specifically can vary from state to state. Some laws may be considered outdated based on the medical community’s increased knowledge over the years.
Anyone who is uncertain about their rights, requirements, and protections in their particular state should consult their state’s health department for the specific details in each case.