Remaining calm and taking prescribed quick-relief medications can help a person manage or stop an asthma attack. People should seek medical assistance if rest and inhalers do not resolve symptoms.
An asthma attack happens when a person’s airways narrow and swell. This makes breathing more difficult and worsens symptoms such as coughing and wheezing. In a 2020 survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about
Research has not shown that home remedies can stop an asthma attack, but breathing exercises, eucalyptus oil, or ginger may offer some benefits.
Avoiding exposure to known triggers and maintaining a moderate weight may
This article discusses steps to take immediately for an asthma attack, as well as possible home remedies. It also examines the symptoms, causes, stages, prevention, and outlook.

A person should always keep an up-to-date action plan available. This tells people how to recognize an attack and what to do when it happens. The instructions should specify the following details:
- what medications to take and their dosage
- when to take medications
- when to call a doctor or seek emergency treatment
Since people never know when they may encounter something that triggers an asthma attack, they should keep their doctor-prescribed medications with them at all times.
The following actions can help someone manage an asthma attack:
- Remain calm.
- Follow the action plan’s instructions, which will likely advise taking a quick-relief medication, usually in the form of an inhaler.
- If the inhaler does not relieve symptoms, an inhaled corticosteroid such as prednisone (Rayos) may be necessary. A doctor can provide a prescription.
- If shortness of breath or coughing persists or worsens, seek immediate treatment.
Home remedies or alternative treatments are not proven methods to stop an asthma attack. More research is necessary to determine whether these methods are safe for asthma treatment. However, breathing exercises, eucalyptus oil, or ginger may offer some relief.
Breathing exercises
Breathing exercises may increase lung strength and capacity and help improve symptoms.
Researchers in a
There are several types of asthma breathing exercises to choose from. Two of these are pursed lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing.
Pursed lip breathing
This technique may help slow breathing and reduce shortness of breath. It involves the following steps:
- Inhale, or breathe in, through the nose while the mouth is closed.
- Put the lips in a pursed position, as if whistling.
- Exhale, or breathe out, through pursed lips. The exhalation should be at least twice as long as the inhalation.
Diaphragmatic breathing
The diaphragm is a muscle below the lungs that plays a role in inhalation. “Belly breathing” is another name for diaphragmatic breathing. This method slows breathing and reduces the body’s oxygen needs.
- Place one hand over the stomach and the other on the upper chest.
- Inhale through the nose. The stomach should rise, but the upper chest should not.
- While keeping the shoulders and neck relaxed, exhale through the mouth. The exhalation should be 2–3 times longer than the inhalation.
Eucalyptus oil
In a 2020 review, researchers looked at prior studies to determine the effect of eucalyptus oil on asthma. The results suggest that, because of its anti-inflammatory effects, eucalyptus oil may be a beneficial therapeutic add-on treatment for asthma that is resistant to steroid medications.
A person should dilute eucalyptus oil — or any other essential oil — in a carrier oil before using it. A person can place the diluted oil in a diffuser and inhale the vapor it releases, or they can apply the diluted oil to their skin.
People should never ingest essential oils or use undiluted essential oils. Also, people should be aware that inhaled eucalyptus oil can be toxic to cats and other pets.
In a
Ginger is available in supplement form, but people should always check with their doctor before starting a new supplement. People can also add ginger to their diet by using it in cooking, consuming products that contain it, or drinking ginger tea.
Symptoms of an asthma attack include:
- coughing, especially at night or in the morning
- wheezing
- shortness of breath
- chest tightness
Although other conditions can cause these symptoms, they
- coming or going within the same day or over time
- worsening in the morning or at night
- starting in response to a trigger such as exercise, cold air, or allergies
- beginning or worsening with a viral infection
Exposure to various triggers can cause an asthma attack. Experts advise that a person keep a journal to record which things provoke symptoms. This may help a person avoid some triggers in the future.
Potential triggers may
- outdoor triggers such as mold and pollen
- indoor triggers such as pet dander, mold, and dust mites
- physical activity, although doctors recommend that people exercise regularly
- emotional stress such as crying, laughing, or intense anger
- infections such as flu, colds, and COVID-19
- poor air quality or very cold air
- some medications, such as aspirin
Asthma has the following
- intermittent, which involves symptoms occurring on fewer than 2 days per week and nighttime awakenings less than twice per month
- mild, which involves symptoms occurring on more than 2 days per week and 3–4 nighttime awakenings per month
- moderate, which involves symptoms occurring daily and nighttime awakenings more than once per week
- severe, which involves symptoms occurring throughout the day and nighttime awakenings more than seven times per week
The duration of flare-ups varies.
It depends on the cause and how long the airways have had inflammation.
Mild symptoms may last a few minutes, but more severe symptoms may last hours or days.
According to
Additionally, Mediterranean and vegan diets, which focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes while limiting animal foods, may decrease the risk and reduce flare-ups.
Other asthma prevention measures
When a person’s asthma is not flaring up, it has only a minimal impact on daily life. However, uncontrolled asthma, which causes frequent or intense symptoms, can result in absences from work and school and a higher risk of emergency room visits. According to CDC data,
Asthma is a life threatening illness in some people, as it causes
An individual’s action plan makes it easy to know what to do at home for an asthma attack. The plan lists symptoms of an attack and provides instructions on what medications to take and when to seek medical attention.
While home remedies do not stop an asthma attack, they may provide some relief. A person should always check with their doctor before taking a dietary supplement, whether for asthma symptoms or for other purposes.
Symptoms of an asthma attack may include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
A variety of triggers may provoke an attack, so it helps to keep track of triggers and avoid them if possible. Attacks can last from a few minutes to hours or days.
Because a severe asthma attack can be life threatening, a person should closely follow instructions in their action plan regarding getting emergency treatment.