Bacterial vaginosis (BV) results from an imbalance in beneficial and harmful bacteria in the vagina. It can cause vaginal itchiness, unusual discharge, and a characteristic odor, among other symptoms.
The body may be able to clear bacterial vaginosis (BV) on its own. Without treatment, however, it increases the risk of other health issues. Seeking medical advice can help a person avoid discomfort and prevent complications.
This article describes what BV feels like, as well as its causes, possible complications, and home remedies and treatments. It also looks at how to prevent BV, and how to distinguish BV from a yeast infection.

BV is the
Many people with BV have
- changes to vaginal discharge
- a burning, itching, and irritation in the vaginal area
- a burning sensation when urinating
The person’s vaginal discharge may have:
- a watery, thin consistency
- a gray or white color
- a strong, unpleasant smell, often described as fishy
There may also be a burning sensation during urination and itching around the outside of the vagina. However, this is less common.
BV itself is not harmful, but it can
General health complications
- sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as:
- herpes
- human papillomavirus, better known as HPV
- chlamydia
- gonorrhea
- HIV, as having BV increases a person’s susceptibility to the virus
- a postsurgical infection, for example after a hysterectomy
Pregnancy complications
Possible complications of BV during pregnancy include:
- early or preterm delivery
- loss of pregnancy
- the amniotic sac breaking open too early
- postpartum endometritis, which is irritation or inflammation of the lining of the uterus after delivery
- chorioamnionitis, which is inflammation of the membranes around the fetus
Chorioamnionitis significantly increases the chance of an early delivery. If the newborn lives, they have a higher risk of cerebral palsy.
Fertility complications
BV may directly increase the likelihood of difficulty conceiving. And it may increase the risk of health complications that can affect fertility.
Possible complications include:
- Tubal factor infertility: This is infertility caused by damage to the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease: This involves an infection and inflammation of the upper female genital tract. Pelvic inflammatory disease can have serious effects, including infertility.
- Unsuccessful in vitro fertilization (IVF): If a person has BV, any IVF treatments may be less likely to work.
BV results from an imbalance in the populations of beneficial and harmful bacteria that naturally live in the vagina.
An imbalance can occur for
- having sex with a new partner
- having sex with multiple partners
- douching
- not using a barrier method, such as a condom, during sex
- being pregnant
recently using antibiotics
The role of bacteria
All parts of the body have bacteria, and only some are harmful. Health problems can arise when there are more harmful bacteria than helpful bacteria in a given area.
Most bacteria in the vagina are helpful, and BV occurs when the harmful bacteria grow in number.
The vagina should contain bacteria called Lactobacilli. They produce lactic acid, making the vagina slightly acidic. This prevents some harmful bacteria from growing there.
Having lower levels of Lactobacilli can cause the vagina to become less acidic. If the vagina is not acidic enough, harmful bacteria can grow and thrive.
Experts still
Risk factors
Anyone with a vagina can develop BV. These factors can increase the likelihood of having it:
- using certain feminine hygiene products, such as vaginal deodorants and douches
- using a perfumed bubble bath
- using some scented soaps
- bathing in water that contains antiseptic liquids
- washing underwear with a strong detergent
- having sex with a new partner
- having multiple sex partners
- smoking
A person cannot acquire BV from:
- toilet seats
- bedding
- swimming pools
One home remedy that may help treat BV is probiotics. These are live bacteria that are beneficial. The term “probiotics” also describes some beneficial yeasts.
As a 2021 review notes, multiple studies have demonstrated that probiotics may help treat and prevent BV. Additionally, a
Current research suggests that certain probiotics can increase the number of vaginal Lactobacilli, helping to restore the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina. These probiotics include:
- oral Lactobacillus acidophilus
- intravaginal L. acidophilus
- intravaginal L. rhamnosus GR-1
- intravaginal L. fermentum RC-14
Still, determining the most effective dosages, treatment durations, and routes of administration requires more research.
Because untreated BV can cause serious complications, anyone who has symptoms should see a healthcare professional for standard treatment. A person can also ask for information about taking a probiotic.
BV sometimes clears up without treatment. However, the symptoms can resemble those of other health issues, such as gonorrhea or trichomaniasis. Untreated BV can also
For these reasons, getting a professional diagnosis is key to ensure treatment is successful.
BV may also increase the risk of complications following a hysterectomy or some types of abortion. Some doctors recommend giving BV treatment to everyone who has these procedures, regardless of whether they have BV symptoms.
Male partners do not usually require treatment. However, BV can transmit from a male to multiple female sexual partners.
Below, we explore some treatment options for BV.
Antibiotic medication
Antibiotics are effective in up to
Below are some antibiotic medications that a doctor may prescribe for BV.
Metronidazole is the most common antibiotic treatment for BV.
It is available in these forms:
- Oral tablets: People typically take these twice daily for
7 days . Doctors consider tablets the most effective treatment, especially if the person is breastfeeding or pregnant. - Single dose: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved secnidazole (Solosec) in 2017 for the treatment of BV. This is the only single-dose oral BV treatment. A person sprinkles a 2-gram (g) packet onto food.
- Gel: A person applies this gel into their vagina once a day for
5 days .
Metronidazole interacts harmfully with alcohol. This combination can make a person seriously unwell and cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
Clindamycin is an alternative antibiotic. It may work if metronidazole is not effective or if the infection recurs.
Clindamycin cream is the first-line treatment that a person applies inside their vagina. A person does this at bedtime for
Instead, doctors may prescribe clindamycin tablets, which a person takes twice a day for
Clindamycin ovules and cream weaken latex, so barrier methods of contraception may be less effective during the treatment.
Some examples of these methods include:
- latex condoms
- diaphragms
- cervical caps
The FDA has recently approved a new clindamycin gel, Xaciato, for the treatment of BV in females aged 12 years and older.
Learn more about the dosage and application of metronidazole and clindamycin here.
Tinidazole is another antibiotic that can treat BV if metronidazole does not work or if the condition recurs.
A person takes a
Anyone using this medication should avoid alcohol and take their doses with food to minimize the risk of gastrointestinal side effects.
Treatment for recurring symptoms
Current treatments are associated with recurrence rates of
For recurrent BV, doctors may recommend an extended course of metronidazole. If this is ineffective, they may prescribe a metronidazole vaginal gel. A person either uses this every day for
While there is no general consensus about the best approach, treating recurrent BV usually involves a longer course of treatment.
The medical term for a vaginal yeast infection is vaginal candidiasis.
BV is different from a yeast infection, which results from an overgrowth of Candida fungus. Instead, BV is a bacterial condition.
The two issues can cause similar symptoms.
A yeast infection
- vaginal itchiness or soreness
- abnormal vaginal discharge
- pain or discomfort when urinating
- pain or discomfort during sex
BV causes vaginal discharge that is watery, white or gray, and fishy-smelling. A yeast infection typically causes vaginal discharge that is thick, creamy, and odorless. It may resemble cottage cheese.
Because a yeast infection is fungal and BV is bacterial, they require different treatments. For this reason, it is crucial to receive a professional diagnosis before treating the symptoms.
A healthcare professional may be able to diagnose BV from a person’s description of their symptoms and a physical examination.
During the examination, they
If a person is sexually active and might have an STI, the doctor may order some diagnostic tests. These may involve using a swab or small plastic loop to collect sample cells from the vaginal wall.
There is no guaranteed way to prevent BV, as the exact causes remain unclear.
However, these strategies
- using a barrier method of protection, such as a condom, during sex
- avoiding douching
- avoiding perfumed bubble baths
- not using scented soaps or vaginal deodorants
- washing underwear in gentle detergents
- having a daily oral probiotic
Here are some answers to questions people often ask about BV.
How do you know if you have bacterial vaginosis?
Often, there are no symptoms. But, a person may notice:
- changes to vaginal discharge
- a burning, itching, and irritation in the vaginal area
- a burning sensation when urinating
Will BV go away on its own?
BV often goes away on its own, but complications can develop without treatment. If a doctor diagnoses BV, they will likely prescribe antibiotics.
What causes BV?
BV is a bacterial infection that develops when the helpful and harmful bacteria in the vagina get out of balance, and too many harmful bacteria grow. Factors that increase the risk include having sex with a new partner, douching, recent use of antibiotics, and pregnancy.
Is it contagious?
BV is not contagious, but having sex with a new partner can affect the balance of bacteria in the vagina. This can increase the risk of developing BV.
Can a person test for BV at home?
At-home tests are available to help diagnose BV. Typically, these involve using a swab that will test the pH levels of the vagina, which can give an indication of any irregularities, or sending the swab to a lab for testing.
BV is a common condition that results from an imbalance between helpful and harmful bacteria in the vagina.
Experts do not fully understand what causes this imbalance. But certain factors appear to increase the risk, such as using feminine hygiene products and having sex with a new partner or multiple partners.
Untreated BV can increase the risk of STIs and cause complications, some of which relate to pregnancy and fertility. The symptoms of BV can also mimic those of other health issues that need different treatments.
For these reasons, anyone with BV symptoms should contact a healthcare professional before they try a treatment or remedy.